Washington Daily News from Washington, North Carolina (2024)

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OUNDED 29TH YAR NOK 261 'EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRICE IVE CENTS DAILY EXCEPTSUNDAY II Ceremony Takes' Place Mg i A aA a A J4! theedsS Dombings of civilian NOW and THEN TODAY ONLY (Continued 1 rum Tag's Ona) Mi tslask jasQ Thousand Are Trapped Beyond Hope Of Rescue de the DR COPELAND DIES IN WASHINGTON 1 tea MTHWffi Great Chinese lood Grows In Intensity Population leeing Before Rising Wa ters Which Have Sub merged 2000 Villages And 'Hamlets Refugees Eating Bark' rom Trees In Efforts To Survive A JEWS TARGETS AGAIN Berlin June Po lice raids on Jewish homes and Jewish places of business and amusem*nt were described offi cially today as a drive anti social and crim inal The first official report to the German press said the start of the anti Jewish manifestations began nearly three weeks ago when two raids were made in Berlin SEE SPEAKERSHIP 7 xV OR CONGRESS LOCAL YOUNG MAN WINS STATE POST Prominent New York Demo cratic Senator Was 69 Years Old Young DoesWellonsavorBuWHimspIf'TittleVGodd flxMltlMm' Borrab Minevitshad bit gang Rpbrt Wilcx WASHINGTON NORTH CAROLIN A SATURDAY ATERNOON JUNE 18 1938 St i CH Partly cloudy with scattered hiifnrfarahnvAW avwi' tWMU Hibly in lhe interior early tonight 1 Three days ago a check from1 the Stale'7 to the 'amount of $18250 was delivered to oseph Paul of Road the only1 surviving veteran of the Civil War inBeau fort county The check was1 one of two of the same amount re ceived 1 by him yearly from the slate the other beingsent to him December 15 Mr Paul 93 years old' is the father of John Paul local at torney 'and recalls many Civil War experiences which his remar kably vivid memory renders most interesting to his listeners As a youth of around 19 he joined the Conf ederate ranks duriflg the last year of the war enlisting as a Junior Reserve in Company Second "Regiment Carolina Junior Reserves He was under the command of General Joseph Johnston par ticipating in the battle of Benton ville and saw Service around Wel don and Kinston and later in the Ray Silverthorne Named President Youth itftc 4 a Conference Loses In Appeal Case I seen Tom lowers for about two weeks and feared he was sick He breezed in yester day though and said he had been raising a of chickens which had claimed his attention to such an extent that he had not been down town 'much' He brought a contribution for ather's Day and to use his own words: CALL HIS DAY THE IRST The 19th day June rolls the day they say is and course the ac cepted as are many other fads But really there is more than one 'for dads both farand near tot be exact and state a fact there! are twelve of them each ytar' every month has had and has its first for all our dads and the guy must or i try to ease with a bill a bill and billfe for family clothes there "are groc 'ery rbills' drug store bills bills jfor shoes and hose lighting bill a bill a bill for wood and coalA (It's daddy's day so rhe must pay a part if not the whole) i Installments too the first are due on and car and the 1 same old guy must meet jour uncomplaining Pat insurance bills for' gas oldi bills attached to mew (bills that 5 are not paid in full are labeled dear old Dad' who signs the checks to pay for this and' that' always the first does pick him the second finds i him1 flat But he well knows sthat it all goes to pay for wfaat l'was bought so with a grin he starts right in 1 to concentrate this: on next' 5v? 0 bJJERSElpBOSS Coming Monday7 Tuesday' and Cast Of 5000 yersO 7 Note: Shows Apptcxith ately 4:00 and 9:00 PM 'THETURNAGE central part' of the state He was with General Johnston at the sur render at Bennett House about twelve miles west of Durham (Mr Paul a farmer lives in his old home at Road with' his daughter Miss Matilda' Paul and his son Luther His wife lorence Harris Paul died in Jan 1935 He recently lost his sight and is a little' hard of hearing but he bears his handicaps with remark able patience He is a deacon andc regular attendant 'of the Primitive' Baptist Church His general health is fairly good hut since becoming blind he can mot take the exercise as he once did and says he feels weak In Te spkmse to the various1 inquiries of friends ill regard to his health he feel that 1 1 have no right to His other children 'are JW Paul Jr of Chocowinity Mrs Gerrish of Va and Paul of Road Babe Ruth Back InJ Ci National Game'New York June 18 (AP) Babe Ruth returned to base ball today as a of the Brooklyn Dodgers General Manager Larry MacPhail an nounced today In a brief statement which heist declined to amplify he said Ruth had agreed to terms after a conference last night attended by jRuth MacPhail Burleigh Grimes the (team manager and Captain Leo Du rocher Ruth will be in uniform for game with the Cubs The Bata greatest home run hitter in history was playing golf and could not be reachedimmediately for comment New York June (AP) The Appellate Division yesterday denied an appeal by Mrs Dorothy (Browning Hood adopted daughter of the late Ed ward (Browning that she be named principal benefici ary of Browning's es tate The ruling upheld a (Surrogate'sCourt decision which had prevent ed her from obtaining a m'ajor share of the estate The case will be carried to the Court of Appeals at Albany coun sel for Mr Hood said tr vails taugKtqDgthe tfeasW givfen group results of which were most favorable according to Mr Durant fwhb said (this morn ing that the exception of a very few tihe50 persons taking the examination ihad no difficulty inpassing Appointments are ex pected to be made in the next day or two 5 J' LAST DAYIJ See It While New Hcar Tunes While Hits! The Sockeroo Mus ical Of 1938! red MacMfpW (WEATHER OR THE WEEK (By The Associated Press) South Atlantic States: Partly cloudy and seasonably warm wea ther will prevail during the week with occasional thundershowers or the past several years group of local boys most of whom are high school graduates or cotl lege fieshmeai have picked up their chains and taken to the fields of (Beaufort county measure crop land during the summer months This year as in years past an other 'group of boys will take to the fields not to survey but to act as interrogators igatnerrng' com plete facts about each of ithe 3500 farms in the county that have been aerially photographed through the (County Soil Conservation Association The group wild be 'made up of 35 young imefi including ithe office: force whose job is to wonk with the rotometer draw the maps to scale and find the other necessities that survey work requires 'while those who 'do the field work will be required to: gather the numerous fucts governing ttye operation of each farm 'The work according to Durant head (of the survey pro gram in this county win start within the next week and fast' from two to three As yet however only 'Washington maps (have been re ceived With the oher (maps expected 'to arrive at County Agent office within a very few days work wills begin immediately upon their arrival Monday Tuesday and (Wednes day of this week were used as an instructional 'period for those boys applying for survey work with Djetrict Supervisor Yates of Rateigh personally in structing jthe young (Tnien On MedneBfiay? afternd ap exam Assistant Pastor To Teach Class Ks McDonald assistant min ister at irst Presbyterian Church for the summer will teach a com bined class of young people at the Sunday School "'hour tomorrow morning' All young people are given a cordial invitation to this Bible class which begins at 10:05 The Rev McInnis who re turned riday' from Davidson Col lege will preach in the morning from the subject ounda tions and'Christian The public is cordially invited 1 The Emil News Sir Walter Hotel' (By HENRY AVERILL)! Raleigh June 18 rJ (Bob) Young apparently done Wellons of Johnston 'county 7 a great favor He has also doomed the present's election officials in Johnston and has laid the foun dation for complete new poll ing structure there But for jiim self it looks as though he has accomplished nothing yet 'be yond acqtliritg the undying hat red of a 'tremendous maj ority of Johnston county State election board said that earnest protest of Solicitor Ci: Cana dy's nomination is to be tossed in the waste basket On the con trary it tas giveh MrtiYoung and his energetic 'attorney Neill McK Salmon some time in which Ao dig up the affidavits of Republi cans Who Voted in Johnston for Mt 'i The task thus set however ap Shanghai June Chi overflowing Yellow river which apparently has saved Han kow the provisional capital from danger of a northern attack for many months was declared by Ja panese spokesmen to have trapped 200000 people beyond all hope of rescue The waters they declared have extended over an additional area of 600 square miles in the last 24 hours The flood zone covered 1600 square miles Two thousand vil lages and hamlets in rich Honan Province were" submerged and 1 500 others invaded by upsurging currents With 700000 refugees fleeing before the waters as It reached out its long arm perhaps to join other great river the Yangtze rising 300 miles to the south Japanese spokesmen report ed there was no indication of the flood abating The Japanese said they were caring for 200000 refugees but the plight of thousands their homes and fields blanketed by mud and water was extreme Thous ands were eating the bark of trees in desperate efforts to survive Lucknow India June (AP) A wave of cholera one of the most dangerous of epidemic dis eases swept over increasingly large areas of India while modern medicine and sanitation fought a gainst ancient religious practices mixed with superstition Thousands died as the dread dis ease was spread by natives Cere moniously carrying out centuries witii HAKKih 1 niLrtKD i BEN BLUE RUE DAVIS Yacht Club Boys and Harry Orchestra Extra i "LITTLE Cartoon and Sth of chance when he must dance a gain to same old tune because a day next month to pay have the same as June 7 i mighty fine to have good to pay for what we buy and nevercuss at all at all nor even heave a sigh hoping they may on their day the first as I have said keep their account down at the bankfrom getting in the red Let no one think that I am ma king fun of ather's Day or of fa thers or of dads or of pals to their boys which I think every fa ther who has sons or a son ought tobe but leave it to some of the toys to say whether there is any truth in this that follows or never was so tired In my itoaned the Boy Scout hadperfectly awf*ckday But I go( father home safely something It was his annual day to be a boy again to be a regular pal to me as he likes to express it a (So I have been out in the woods with him gathered from his remarks when he invited me to go that he intended to win my confidence and help tats an my troubles But by noon he had broken his glasses worn blisters on both heels scrap ed his shins lost his new fishing reel sunk a rowboat scalded his mouth churned his bald spot in the sun hnd tom the seat out of! his 'trousers so I think' he? must have postponed whatever he had to say of an intimate nature writers and lecturers only knew the suffering they bring to impressionable parents oy goading them into trying to be their boys chrm they certainly would cease tneir ettorts out ox sneer pity i RED BAITER Mayor rank Hague of Jersey Clty who advocated a concentration camp (In Alaska for native radicals and deportation of alien radicals' at'the free speech suit in Newark brought by CIO members and the Civil Liberties Union pears to 5 be a tougher one: than ever was laid down for Herculeswho is said to have been quite the berries in accomplishing greats things aSAllAoung hast to do now is to get slightly fewer than 8000'affidavits to the tenor and effect that the affiantsare Republicans or (Independents and further that they voted for Solic itor Canady on June 4 7 One member of the elections board iq an off the record talk laughed out loud when this: cor respondent Asked him if there is any likelihood Young will be able to get that many affidavits Per hans the query was a bit naive at that 1 aa So: even better than dollars to doughnuts that jBob Young will not overturn the June 4 re sult aS far as his own case is concerned? but he can glow with satisfaction (if he feels so in clined) at the thought that Mr siRay Silverthorne: of this city and a student ins Atlantic Chris tian College was elected presi dent of 'the North Carolina Youth ConferenceofihenDisciples of Christ and chairman' of 'the Gov erning Board of the Conference now session at Montreat He and ten otiier young' people are repre senting the irst ChristiauChui'ch of Ahis city theYxyith Confer ence this yearaqd bring home with hhn the tovetbd honor of to ing president the youth group? in the North Carolina Christian ChurcheS 1 1 He is th? son" of Mrs Sil verthorne of this city" 1 Attempt To Save ft Lives OfBanker Bulls Abandoned 'A7 Manteo 18 Unalble to contrive anything hk? a 'pnuce wfth hie wild bulls looae in iQbling Mh'llwrwwuije yesterday it morning to contrive' some'denms" of pSace with 'Judge and to make over tares to young (Sam (Mfdgett iook return to Colinigton wiith his mighty rifle According to off the' record statements of ithie peace delegates considerable excitement ensued 1 Thursday" after (Shatter Meekins had defied the agents who went to exter minate wild hulls were promptly claimed by Shatter Meekins as his personal property He assembled a considerable posse Of 'his neighbors and set out to pen up his property Throughout the day the neighbors of Shatter Meekins pursued his wild butts Sometimes they were within a half mile: of them but not too often The pursuit ended in late after noon but the Shatter Meekins bull pen had not one bull in it or any where near it LINDSAY WARREN North irst District representative in the House of Representatives who returned to his home in this city last night rounding out fourteen years of congressional service to his con stituepejf Congress does not mean a vacation for him: but merelyza transfer of his office from the Capital building to (isthis city where the activities of his busy office will be continued LateNews 1 lashes WILL ASKSTATEMNT 'Washington Mime Sheppwd'(D ejtJ ahnouncea foday the Senate Campaign Expenditures Com mittee would' ask every candi date for the Senate whether any federal government officials are connected with their campaign This information will be manded along with a list campaign contributors and amount they gave Representative Returns With 'Washington June (AP) Senator Royal Copeland New York Democrat died at 7:45 clock last mght of general cir culatory collapse complicated by a kidney He was years old Mrs Copeland two physicians and two nurses were wltn the doc tor legislator when the end came in his suite in the Shoreham Ho tel Dr Harry Kauiman one of I the attending physicians said the I illness may have' been brought on by overwork toward the end ot the congressional session but lidd ed that senator really been well in a long The senator was nationally known for his writings apd broad casts on health problems as well as for his activities in Washing ton 5 Often Opposed New DeaLs or 'the past yddi Copeland' had been especially active He made an unsuccessful bid for the New York mayoralty last fall and dur ing the congressional session just ended spent much time on mari time labor questions Once he almost got into a fist fight when Senator McKellar (D Tenn) lunged at him during de bate on an army bill Copeland was a member of the Senate group of Democrats who frequently disagreed with Roose velt policy Copeland was the second mem ber of the 75th Congress to die within a day after the historic session ended Representative Al lard Gasque (D SC) succum bed yesterday morning The New York senator a blythe and debonair man was easily spotted by gallery fans because he always wore a red carnation His wife pinned a fresh flower to his lapel each morning Bottled UpSun New Refrigerant XTztso VArV TiITIA (CjMAnon liaa IhATIaH tO BottlC i up the sun and use it as a refrig The trick is ui new iwht 'bulb which helps to pre serve food i fThe bulb developed by Dr Kob eit of the Detroit Edi son Company and Dr Harvey nf lihff iWestinehoiuse Company exudes only invisible ultraviolet the 'eo called The ability of ultra violet rays to 'kill bacteria such as mold been known What Dr Jaimes and Dr Rentschler did was to make 'a bulb which produced the rays at a sufficiemtly low temperature i to' permit its use inside a refri 'Ordinarily the of refrigerators must be kept down ''io 24 degrees to preserve food 7 With the germ killing light bulb kJ' shining on the food this tempera? lure can be raised to 45' degrees 25 per cent less cost for current RUBBER CHECK CHARGE ACED BY OREHAND Edenton June Alma orehand: prominent local pea nut 'processor and farmer at one time reputed to oe worm a najt million dollars was arrested yes terday and held under $300 bond to await extradition as fugitive from justice in Virginia Holland of Suffolk representing the American Bank 'and Trust Company there submitted a war rant and affidavits to Pru den to allege that on October 13 last cashed a $200 check in Suffolk arid that the pa per was subseauently returned by: the Bank of Edenton as worth less orehand did not deny the transaction SSEE umbtrf l0n Liat Yo lRailroa Whee fl 5 ler Believes "Business Up Vs 4 urn Prelude A Necessity Of Special Ses Takes ViewA Herbert Gravely Jr Is Accepted At Naval Academy Herbert Graively received word today that he had lbeen ac cepted at IS Naval" Academy in Annapolis Md' He is at home awaiting his call which will be any time between now Mid imd Utily at which time he: will take final: physical examination and if will be entered in the 'He successfully passed the preliminary examination last sum mer Ancient Church Close J' PRESIDENT ATTENDS (Bride lls Attired InOurgfous i WitnessejAkafT Lone Surviving Veteran Receives His Check Mass Jute lX (APji a simple single Episcopal i jing ceremony John Roosevelt andAnne Lindsay Clark were married at noon today in an ancient church: close by the sea 's' While the President and' watched from a frppt row a few feet from the flowerS towered white satin covered altar John and Anne took vows thhVre moved the last bachelor fromthel Roosevelt family and gave Clark family its first jnaryied daughter Both within a few months 7 ofc their twenty second birthday' were given happy auguries tbfc warm sunny day A well wishers filled to the doors the? 107 year old church and thousands pressed police lines outside 7' The bride wearing a white or 7gandy gown containing 625 yards ui wiine saiui nuuon aim a nine veil and train' that required ten yards of material sweptVup the left aisle on the arm of her uncle Russell Sturgis Before the strains of Lohengrin died John joined her before the al tar stepping from a rear robing room to the right of the channel Behind him as supporter in the hour of discomfitute his brother ranklm Roo seveii jr The bridal couple marchedwitn in a font nf their Tmrente'a'nd heafl to Secretary Morgenthau PostaU" master General rariey iiarry Hopkins administrator Ber nard Banish financial advisor to the President and scores of prom inent: people prominent England society 'i Oft Arrested This Time June 18 7 (AP) fx 7 X' fef fertwi th are cord of 1 0 0 arriests and our convictions wince 1 9 1 5 was convicted byra ederal" jury last night of dominating the $75 000000 a year fancy for industry bv violation of the Sherman 'Anti trust Act He was immediately sentenced to three years in prison and fin ed $15000 by Judge Grower Mos kowitz 1 only regret" the judge commented "is that under the act I am prevented from imposing a heavier 7 Shapiro already is under a two year sentence for racketeer ing in: the rabbit fur industry Record Individually Believ ed' Unparalleled By Any Other Member Ot House Wielded Gavel Over All Major Bills in Past Eight Years Will Begin Lignth Term Wih 76tn Congress "vfc 4 4M By ROBERT A ERWINVfc iWashington June 18 When the 75th Congress of "the' United States adjourned tnis week ltep resentative Lindsay Warren of tU irst North Carolina District took home to his constituents anotaer 1 ecord of individual cmevement tnat is virtually unparalleled lor ay other member ot Congress who has served the same length 'of time 4 The arren record is double edged The legislator not Corny has delivered tne touas oene its and services ior ms disairt drtag the session just rtosed jut has become more tnan er a 'na tional iibure He is generaUyrec: ogmzed as the next DeugM atie Majority Leader in the House Representatives and is conceded: to be the best presiding ouer tue House has had in recent years To read the record on Six War ren's work of tne past session re quires a bit of narration tie is rounding out 14 years of service' and faces another two year sterm? again without opposition? i His: Washington friends agree with his own constituents that some day he will be Speaker of wtli HouSijjiif the Democratic party re mains in power lor an extended period 4 National Side irst we will discuss the Repre irom the national side7 of the picture and his service in the House itself In recent months he gained additional recognitions as presiding officer relieving Spea ker William Bankhesffi ron the) rostrum to preside over House' de 'bate and voting on ths Adminis farm relief and tax bills During the eight Jpars rj rWarren has wieHedrtheatolver every major bill' that has" edmei before the House and'44irtMliyj 1937 served for two weeks: as Speaker Pro Tern the first dime this honor had been bestowed onl any member of the House 30 1 years This came during an ab sence of Speaker Bankhead vu Despite his possibilities for thee Speakership Mr Warren would: not think for a second of opposing' the present Majority Leader his own close friend Sam Rayl' burn of Texas should the highest honor in the House 'become va cant Mr Rayburn is clearly eift line for the 'Speakership although: the Tar Heel Representative at the topias a presiding officer Mr Warren expected to (be busy on the last day of Congress and he received more than he tar gained for when the often emeu lated rumor of his appointment as Comptroller General of the United 'States bobbed up kgain Not only did he deny the rumor He rmd Majority Leader Rayburn jtele phoned the 'White House in an effort to track down its onginS The (White House could shed no light on the rumor Reporters and photographers besieged the Tar Heel'1 legislator and finally he barricaded himself 1 in the offices of the House Acy counts Committee of: which he 'has been chairman since 1931 and (Coatinuaa ln Psr aightjcj: TOGATHMCTS CONCERNING ARMS COUNTY Group Of 35 Young Men Begin Work Nexfw? MWeek'l Washington' June 18 A big program is already mapped out lor the new Congress to be elected this fall Wbat 75th Congress left un ia done the 76th is likely to find on the docket when it convenes next January unless 'a special session P' is called TriW fc 1 on almost "everybody list problems or Jthenext Con gross is what to dp about the rail roads Some Corigresbmi dieted that a special session' may be necessary to rescue the rail Toads from their desperate finan facial This group includes Chairman (D NY) of ft iir the House Rules Committee 5 But7 Chairman Wheeler5 (D am? JnonttJ OI oeijaic zvYMrtrrtiLrrto nrvmmittAP 'Hot Mindful of the $3 750 (XX) 000 ap '7propnated'in the spending ienmng awbill he predictea a inisuieBa uj 2 tin by alljS? Anrtm'g other legislation Con gress necessarily would have to consider the xouowing: 1 nenei and tmemifloyment 2 amendments to the crop control act 3f revision of the tax laws 4 revision of the anti trust laws and 5 govern ment and regional 'planning A 1 some of the" sterner of the Roosevelt for eign'policv may come to light with 'greater frequency There are clear indications that with the nation concerned with do mestic crises the State depart ment has been quietly laying a new cornerstone one: keep aggressor nations policy was one 01 cauiug beforilt madSr in "tata GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY £4 WEDSANNECLA ATNOONTODA (Added Comedy Musical Act 4 'I tonight oop mA huur moSl vwi onuw mi Meet rne noy rnenu HUGHES AVID CARLYLE Coming Sunday Monday Romance 1 And Glorious Adventure put Of The Living Chronicle 'Of The' iJ lyldlllVl VUB V'ViUluvow ftl U5igwamfMreaay ii Mann Cpin8sm lvv44bMuia uu aviu ZLi 4: vi XCtlV 'til i 11 fflrTr qV3Hrft9nte 1 lf HsJ unci A mron 1 4 a vsr 1 MW if! Wi I Cp I HI Zf MB ra k' 'ISltBISlSOiOlB' I MMM Eg 1 WASG 4 xt IkUdUIAV MH4Viaua 3 '1 i 41 i i4 i fc 3 Me iMrMniarfiw 4 IKM Jwco row £5 4 JLTw A "a i MS' 'StZj: svBwsunu svs sv w'wvrt wvis 4 3W VAX JfP £fc0Ar 4r '1 rijiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiii 1 tt 111 zr 1 ft vvITIekkSIHlfeis We 1.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.