Auto-Delete Sims 3 Cache and Run it on Origin with the Steam Overlay – Steam Solo (2024)


A handy batch script for Origin and physical disc installs of Sims 3 that automatically cleans saved game cache files and launches it from the Origin client – all with the convenience of having the Steam overlay. (Updated to include Sims 4!)


An older guide I wrote for Sims 3 (and later for Sims 4) included a simple batch script that deletes the cache files to improve performance and optionally launches the game automatically afterward (assuming that either the client to Origin or Steam version is already running, or running from the physical disc install without Origin). But what if I told you that it was possible to use that same script for both The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 to run through Origin and have the benefits of the Steam overlay? Yes! It can absolutely happen – with some slight modifications to it of course.

Why even use Origin for Sims 3 on Steam, you ask? For a few reasons actually. One: because the game version is newer than Steam’s (1.69 vs. 1.67). Two: EA allows Sims 3 codes purchased from retail discs, as well as Steam, to be imported and therefore expansion libraries are likely to be more complete on Origin. Three – and probably most important: Running batch file scripts from Origin is far less of a hassle than Steam. And four, I am extremely lazy. So why not have a simple script that will do the work for you too?

Even though the Origin version of Sims 3 and Sims 4 is compatible with Mac, these scripts are written specifically to run from Windows Vista, 7, 8/8.1 or 10 – but will also work with XP. Works with Origin and DVD installation discs; and will also work with Steam’s Big Picture Mode, In-Home Streaming and Steam Link.

📌 Looking for a similar script for Steam? You can find it here.

🆕 The cache cleaning scripts for Sims 3 and Sims 4 has been updated to include my full personal script(s) for use with the latest version of Origin. As of this writing, Origin version 10.5.xx still lacks the option to shut itself down after quitting a game… instead, these scripts will terminate Origin instead of being reminded to do it yourself.

Important – I will not be rewriting material from my other guides. The purpose of this guide is to offer the reader a batch script that automatically cleans saved game cache files and then start Sims 3/Sims 4 from the Origin client afterward, but with the Steam overlay attached. Reading my guides Move Game Saves to Another Location & Improve Performance and Get the Steam Overlay Working with Games on Origin is strongly recommended.

Sims 3 Cache Clean & Launch Script

As previously mentioned, this is a condensed 🆕 This is the complete version of my personal script that will run on Windows versions supporting the Documents folder. (XP users will need to modify this for My Documents.) Feel free to use and modify this script to match your Sims 3 game install location.

Please note that this script avoids prompting the user for interaction. Interacting with the script will cause the Steam overlay to lose its focus and will stop working. (If a simple cache cleaning script without the bells and whistles is preferred, simply copy and paste everything from the first line to the end of the cleaning section in the script instead. Be sure to read the script’s comments to guide you.)

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Create a new text file and rename it. (I ended up renaming mine to Sims3CleanNLaunch.)
  2. Copy and paste the following into the text file:

    @echo off title Sims 3 Cache Cleaner and Game Launcher (for Origin w/Steam Overlay) for /L %%z in (1,1,55) do echo( for %%a in ( “Thank you for using…” “THE SIMS 3 CACHE CLEANER and GAME LAUNCHER (for Origin, to be used with the Steam overlay)” ” – version: 1.0″ ” – original script authoring: DisgruntledGurl, aka BAD LUCK Inc.” ” – October 15, 2018″ “==========================================================================================” “Please leave credit intact if planning to use or modify” “with intent to freely share and distribute code.” “Thank you.” ) do ( echo %%~a ping -n 2 localhost>nul echo. ) timeout /t 7 /NOBREAK > NUL cls :: IMPORTANT NOTICE :: if modifying code, DO NOT add user prompts or force user interaction with the script, :: otherwise the Steam overlay will lose focus and no longer work :: this section deletes Sims 3 saved game cache files to make the game run faster :: fyi- this part of the script can be used in a new batch file if wanting to clean the cache only :: and simply remove the REM comments to restore functionality to those lines del “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3CASPartCache.package” 2>NUL del “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3scriptCache.package” 2>NUL del “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3compositorCache.package” 2>NUL del “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3simCompositorCache.package” 2>NUL del “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3socialCache.package” 2>NUL del /F /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3FeaturedItems*” 2>NUL del /F /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3Thumbnails*” 2>NUL del /F /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3WorldCaches*” 2>NUL attrib +r “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3DCBackupccmerged.package” del /F /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3DCBackup*.package” 2>NUL attrib -r “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3DCBackupccmerged.package” REM echo Saved game cache files have been cleaned and program will be closing in a few seconds. REM echo Thank you for using The Sims 3 Cache Cleaner! Goodbye. REM timeout /t 5 /NOBREAK > NUL REM EXIT :: this section automatically launches Sims 3 (from the Origin shortcut on Steam) after cache cleaning :: and will exit the Sims 3 launcher and Origin client if game fails to be manually run within the 5 minute window :: to allow for installation and customization loading time, and/or logging into community site, :: or exiting the Origin client after quitting Sims 3 echo Cache files have been cleaned. Preparing to start The Sims 3 game launcher. timeout /t 7 /NOBREAK > NUL :SIMSLAUNCH REM copy and paste correct drive and file path for the Sims3Launcher.exe below if in different location start “” “G:Origin GamesThe Sims 3GameBinSims3Launcher.exe” cls echo You have 5 minutes to prepare and run your game from the launcher. echo If it is not running within 5 minutes, The Sims 3 game launcher and Origin will close automatically. REM change ping value below (in seconds) to add or reduce wait time to check on Sims 3 game process before continuing ping -n 300 localhost>nul tasklist /FI “IMAGENAME eq TS3.exe” 2>NUL | find /I /N “TS3.exe”>NUL if not “%ERRORLEVEL%”==”1” goto RUNNING goto TIMER :TIMER taskkill /f /im “Sims3Launcher.exe”>NUL goto NOTRUNNING :CHECKLOOP tasklist /FI “IMAGENAME eq TS3.exe” 2>NUL | find /I /N “TS3.exe”>NUL if not “%ERRORLEVEL%”==”1” goto RUNNING goto NOTRUNNING :RUNNING timeout /t 20 /NOBREAK > NUL goto CHECKLOOP :NOTRUNNING cls taskkill /f /im “Origin.exe”>NUL echo Now preparing to shut down The Sims 3 Clean’n’Launch program. Thanks for playing! timeout /t 5 /NOBREAK > NUL EXIT

    For this script, I am using the Windows %USERPROFILE% variable for the game saves Documents symlink. It will not be necessary to alter this unless you are running Windows XP.

  3. Save and exit the text file.
  4. Change the file extension from .txt to .bat

Important Note Regarding this Script

When copy and pasting the script into the text file you have prepared, it is strongly advised keeping the comments intact – especially for understanding how each part of the script works and where to change the drive letter and file path to the Sims3Launcher executable.

Sims 4 Cache Clean & Launch Script

Like Sims 3, Sims 4 players may also experience performance degradation if the cache isn’t cleaned periodically.

🆕 Below is a basic the complete version of my personal cache cleaning script that will also run Sims 4 afterward (through the Origin client), by default. This script will work for the DVD physical disc installs as well as for Origin. Just follow the same steps to create a batch file as outlined for Sims 3 in the section above, only copy and paste the code below instead – then follow the finishing steps from the Adding the Script to Origin and Testing the Script sections in this guide. (If a simple cache cleaning script without the bells and whistles is preferred, grab the script here.)

IMPORTANT: If running a Windows 32 bit OS, be sure to change TS4_x64.exe to TS4.exe.

@echo off title Sims 4 Cache Cleaner and Game Launcher (for Origin w/Steam Overlay) for /L %%z in (1,1,55) do echo( for %%a in ( “Thank you for using…” “THE SIMS 4 CACHE CLEANER and GAME LAUNCHER (to be used with the Steam overlay on Origin)” ” – version: 1.0″ ” – original script authoring: DisgruntledGurl, aka BAD LUCK Inc.” ” – November 24, 2018″ “==========================================================================================” “Please leave credit intact if planning to use or modify” “with intent to freely share and distribute code.” “Thank you.” ) do ( echo %%~a ping -n 2 localhost>nul echo. ) timeout /t 7 /NOBREAK > NUL cls :: IMPORTANT NOTICE :: if modifying code, DO NOT add user prompts or force user interaction with the script, :: otherwise the Steam overlay will lose focus and no longer work :: this section deletes Sims 4 saved game cache files to make the game run faster :: fyi- this part of the script can be used in a new batch file if wanting to clean the cache only :: just remove the REM comments to restore functionality to the last 4 lines :: additional option- remove REM comments ABOVE LAST 4 LINES for older Sims 4 installs del “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4localthumbscache.package” 2>NUL del /F /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4cache*.cache” 2>NUL del /F /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4cache*.dat” 2>NUL del /F /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4cache*.jpg” 2>NUL del /F /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4cachestr*” 2>NUL if exist “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4onlinethumbnailcache” ( rd /S /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4onlinethumbnailcache” ) else ( echo onlinethumbnailcache folder does not exist. ) REM for older Sims 4 installs, remove the next 10 REM comments after THIS line to restore functionality REM if exist “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4cachewebkit” ( REM rd /S /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4cachewebkit” REM ) else ( REM echo cachewebkit folder does not exist. REM ) REM if exist “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4lotcachedata” ( REM rd /S /Q “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4lotcachedata” REM ) else ( REM echo lotcachedata folder does not exist. REM ) REM echo Saved game cache files have been cleaned and program will be closing in a few seconds. REM echo Thank you for using The Sims 4 Cache Cleaner! Goodbye. REM timeout /t 5 /NOBREAK > NUL REM EXIT :: this section automatically launches Sims 4 (from the Origin shortcut on Steam) after cache cleaning :: and will exit the Origin client after quitting Sims 4 cls echo Cache files have been cleaned. Preparing to start The Sims 4. timeout /t 10 /NOBREAK > NUL :SIMSLAUNCH REM copy and paste correct drive and file path for the TS4_x64.exe (or TS4.exe if running Windows 32 bit) REM below if in different location start “” “G:Origin GamesThe Sims 4GameBinTS4_x64.exe” cls echo The Sims 4 is currently running. tasklist /FI “IMAGENAME eq TS4_x64.exe” 2>NUL | find /I /N “TS4_x64.exe”>NUL if not “%ERRORLEVEL%”==”1” goto RUNNING goto TIMER :TIMER taskkill /f /im “Sims3Launcher.exe”>NUL goto NOTRUNNING :CHECKLOOP tasklist /FI “IMAGENAME eq TS4_x64.exe” 2>NUL | find /I /N “TS4_x64.exe”>NUL if not “%ERRORLEVEL%”==”1” goto RUNNING goto NOTRUNNING :RUNNING timeout /t 20 /NOBREAK > NUL goto CHECKLOOP :NOTRUNNING cls taskkill /f /im “Origin.exe”>NUL echo Now preparing to shut down The Sims 4 Clean’n’Launch program. Thanks for playing! timeout /t 5 /NOBREAK > NUL EXIT

Note: If you are experiencing problems with Sims 4 on Origin and this script does not help improve game performance, clearing the cache for Origin may also help.

📌 Read my guide on how you can move saved games to another drive for Sims 4!

Important Note Regarding this Script

When copy and pasting the script into the text file you have prepared, it is strongly advised keeping the comments intact – especially for understanding how each part of the script works and where to change the drive letter and file path to the TS4_x64 executable (or TS4 if using a 32 bit version of Windows).

Like the script for Sims 3, this script avoids prompting the user for interaction. Interacting with the script will cause the Steam overlay to lose its focus and will stop working.

Adding the Script to Origin

If you have already read my guide on how to Get the Steam Overlay Working with Games on Origin (or already know how to configure the latest Origin client to work with Steam, as well as adding non-Steam game shortcuts to Steam), all that is needed now is to load Origin and add the script as a non-Origin game before you are ready to test.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Open the Origin client.
  2. Go to Games > Add Non-Origin Game… in the primary navigation bar at the top.Auto-Delete Sims 3 Cache and Run it on Origin with the Steam Overlay – Steam Solo (1)
  3. Navigate to your newly created batch file and click the Open button where it will be automatically inserted into your game library.Auto-Delete Sims 3 Cache and Run it on Origin with the Steam Overlay – Steam Solo (2)
  4. Exit or Quit the Origin client (do not click Sign Out).

Testing the Script

After you have created a non-Steam game shortcut and customized it for Sims 3 (or Sims 4), you are ready to test your new script.

Make sure that the Origin client is not running before launching the shortcut from Steam.

If you followed each step correctly, test the new shortcut by clicking the blue PLAY button in your GAMES library. It will also update your Steam status as well as launch the Origin client.

Do not be alarmed if you do not see the Steam overlay notification in the bottom right corner of Origin since the intent is to get the overlay to hook itself into Sims 3 or Sims 4 from Origin if successful. You can test this by pressing Shift + Tab to open the overlay, or press F12 to capture a screenshot in game.

Auto-Delete Sims 3 Cache and Run it on Origin with the Steam Overlay – Steam Solo (3)
Click Here to check out even more my test screenshots for The Sims 3.

Auto-Delete Sims 3 Cache and Run it on Origin with the Steam Overlay – Steam Solo (4)
Test screenshot of The Sims 4 loading screen. Click to view more The Sims 4 test screenshots.

Additional Notes

Some of you are probably wondering, why keep it as a batch file? Although my personal script evolved over time to meet my needs, my original intent was to edit it easily on the fly if need be. This was particularly helpful when moving some programs over to a new drive, so all I needed to do was to update the drive letter and file paths to the script.

After months of searching the web, I have never found a script that remotely did what I wanted it to do… plus have the convenience of streaming it to my TV. Therefore, I have decided to share a basic the complete version of it with others who love Sims 3 (or Sims 4) and want a simpler way of accomplishing a similar goal. With these scripts, it is not necessary to be savvy in the ways of programming and it can be edited easily. Moreover, instead of converting it into an executable, I would rather leave it as an easy to read script and show that there is nothing malicious at all hidden within the code.

Auto-Delete Sims 3 Cache and Run it on Origin with the Steam Overlay – Steam Solo (5)
Please rate this guide with a thumbs up if you found it helpful; or a thumbs down if you didn’t. Be sure to reserve questions, concerns, suggestions for improvement, or anything else regarding this guide in the comments section below. If you have trouble getting it working, you may also want to check the comments section in my other guides as a solution may already have been found.

Other Guides

For your convenience, here is a list of other guides I have written:


07/08/2020 – Added new guide link.
01/23/2020 – Fixed typo in link.
01/18/2020 – Replaced scripts to include terminating Origin after exiting Sims3/4 game without being reminded to.
01/14/2020 – Added new guide link.
11/02/2019 – Embedded new image.
11/01/2019 – Added new guide link.
09/17/2019 – Fixed typo to Sims 4 script.
09/16/2019 – Fixed typo; updated comments in Sims 3 script to guide users that want a stand-alone cache cleaner.
09/15/2019 – Added Sims 4 Cache Clean & Launch Script section; changed text for continuity.
09/03/2019 – Added new guide link.
11/08/2018 – Fixed a link.
10/20/2018 – Removed irrelevant text for clarity.
10/19/2018 – Initial version.

Auto-Delete Sims 3 Cache and Run it on Origin with the Steam Overlay – Steam Solo (2024)


How to clear the cache in The Sims 3? ›

daily reminder on how to deep-clean cache files in case you are missing any. first step) my documents > electronic arts > the sims 3. delete all the cache. package file you have in here.

How do you clear the Sims cache? ›

Go to Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/ on your PC or Mac. Delete the localthumbscache. package file from this folder. Enter the cache folder and delete all files that end in .

What files can I delete in Sims 3? ›

Which files are those ?
  • CasPartCache.package: CAS parts that appear in Create-A-Sim.
  • compositorCache.package: New objects that would appear in Buy/Build mode.
  • scriptCache.package: Mods or Hacks.
  • simCompositorCache.package: New Sims, default skins.
Jan 27, 2011

Is it safe to delete Sims 3 cache files? ›

@Wholesome_Goth Yes, it's safe to delete everyting in DCBackup except ccmerged. package. The other files are duplicates of items you've installed through the launcher, both store and custom content.

How to do a full cache clear? ›

In Chrome
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More. Delete browsing data.
  3. Choose a time range, like Last hour or All time.
  4. Select the types of information you want to remove.
  5. Click Delete data.

How to clear the cache on Origin? ›

Re: Don't know how to clear origin cache? View this
  1. Completely log out and close down Origin.
  2. Hold down the Windows key and R.
  3. Type in "%ProgramData%" (without quotes) and click OK.
  4. Now open the Origin folder.
  5. Delete all the files and folders in the Origin folder, except for LocalContent (do not delete this one)

What can I delete to make Sims 3 run faster? ›

In order to prevent errors, it's highly advised to delete the cache files in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3, which are:
  1. CasPartCache. package.
  2. compositorCache. package.
  3. scriptCache. package.
  4. simCompositorCache. package.
  5. socialCache. package.

How to clear cache on EA? ›

From Windows 10 and 11
  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Open All Apps.
  3. Find the EA folder and click the downward arrow to expand.
  4. Select App Recovery.
  5. A confirmation window will pop up.
  6. Click Clear Cache.
Jul 5, 2024

Does uninstalling Sims 3 delete saves? ›

Delete the /Users/"User"/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 folder only if you are uninstalling the base game. Note: This file can be saved as a backup to retain save games. Just rename it and you're good to go.

How do you delete everything on Sims 3 lot? ›

2 - On the ground of the consignment store lot or the building, hit NRaas > DebugEnabler > Options: (empty lot name, so it will just say "Options:") > DEBUG: Bulldoze This Lot. The building will disappear and any sims on the lot will be transported home safely.

Where are Sims 3 package files stored? ›

If you have downloaded a lot of Sims3Packs, place them into: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Downloads. If you downloaded ZIPs, you first need to extract the Sims3Packs from them, then place it in the Downloads folder. Start the Game Launcher and go to the Downloads tab.

What to delete to make Sims 3 run faster? ›

In order to prevent errors, it's highly advised to delete the cache files in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3, which are:
  1. CasPartCache. package.
  2. compositorCache. package.
  3. scriptCache. package.
  4. simCompositorCache. package.
  5. socialCache. package.

How do I clear my storage cache? ›

To clear the cache, go to Settings > Apps > select the app > Storage > Clear Cache. Clearing the cache on your Android phone can help improve its performance and free up storage space. It's also a good way to fix any problems you may be having with apps or the phone itself.

How do I clear app cache in simulator? ›

In the simulator window, go to Action menu, click Database Reset and restart. Thank you.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.